Lassie then sets off for a long trek to her Yorkshire home. The Films of the Forties. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The Canine Cinema Collection , limited to copies. Lassie Come-Home by Eric Knight. A British remake of the movie was released in as Lassie to moderate success. film lesi se vraca kuci

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Some sources say that, initially, a female collie was selected for the title role, but was replaced when the dog began to shed excessively during shooting of the film in the summer. Views Read Edit View history. Happy tails across New Jersey. Lassie will have nothing to do with the Duke, however, and finds ways to escape her kennels and return to Joe.

InLassie Come Home was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".

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The film was shot in Washington state and MontereyCaliforniawhile the rapids scene was shot on the San Joaquin River. The Life and Legend of Louis B. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

The film was the first in a series of seven MGM films starring "Lassie.

Lassie Come Home The Canine Cinema Collectionlimited to copies. Set in Depression -era YorkshireEnglandMr.

A British remake of the movie was released in as Lassie to moderate success. The Films of the Forties. The New York Times. Lassie then sets off for a long trek to her Yorkshire home. During the film's production, MGM executives previewing the dailies were said to be so moved that they ordered more scenes to be added to "this wonderful motion picture.

Lassie Returns () - IMDb

kjci The film is recognized by American Film Institute in these lists:. There, his granddaughter Priscilla Elizabeth Taylor senses the dog's unhappiness and arranges her escape. There, Lassie is joyfully reunited with the boy she loves. The movie was a big hit. She faces many perils flm the way, dog catchers and a violent storm, but also meets kind people who offer her aid and comfort.

The Duke finally carries Lassie to his home hundreds of miles distant in Scotland. Samuel Marx Dore Schary. In other projects Wikimedia Commons.

The original film saw a sequel, Son of Lassie in with five other films following at intervals through the s. Retrieved August 20, Lassie Come-Home by Vaca Knight.

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Bosley Crowther in The New York Times of October 8, uniformly praised the performers and production, noting that the film "tells the story of a boy and a dog, tells it with such poignance and simple beauty that only the hardest heart can fail to be moved.

Almost 50 de after the film's release, Parade discussed its lasting cultural impact, quoting the Saturday Evening Post which said the film launched Pal on "the most spectacular canine career in film history".

Release Info

Retrieved from " https: This page was last edited on 20 Augustat Pal had been hired to perform the rapids stunt and, being male, looked more impressive in the part. MayerRobson,p. At the end, when Joe has given up hope of ever seeing his dog again, the weary Lassie returns to her favorite resting place in the schoolyard at home.


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